Is Your D2C Brand Social Savvy? Find Out Here!

Dive into the data, discover the demographics, and dominate your niche

Understanding the channels and platforms our customers use is essential for effective communication and engagement. By tailoring content for each platform based on audience demographics, preferences, and behaviour, we can optimize our outreach efforts and drive meaningful interactions with our customers. This is StartupStoic, a newsletter that assists you in learning better and strategizing your startup ideas. Feel free to share it with others.

How many social media platforms do you use in a day?

Take your time and think. Till then……..

Let me share some statistics with you.

As per a report by Kepios, 266 million new users joined the social media bandwagon last year. 

A total of 62.3 percent of the total population was documented to be social media users in January 2024. 

It won't be a lie to say, social media has become an interestingly indispensable part of our lives. Every second we get, either in the middle of a morsel or while filling up our water bottles, half a scroll of Instagram reels doesn't harm us. 

Now look at it from the lens of a D2C leader. What if you have a clear sense of who the audience is on a particular social media platform, what is the winning content, and how to use it?

Different social media platforms attract diverse demographics and content preferences, demanding unique approaches for each. Let's explore popular platforms and how D2C brands can tailor content to resonate:

1. Instagram: The Visual Playground

  • Target audience: Primarily millennials and Gen Z, especially those interested in fashion, beauty, and lifestyle.

    • Content strategy: High-quality product shots: Showcase your products in captivating ways using professional photography and styling. Consider showcasing different angles, textures, and details.

    • User-generated content (UGC): Feature real people using and loving your products. This builds trust and authenticity. Encourage UGC through contests, hashtags, and shoutouts.

    • Behind-the-scenes glimpses: Offer exclusive peeks into your design process, manufacturing, or company culture. This humanizes your brand and fosters connection.

    • Influencer collaborations: Partner with relevant influencers whose audience aligns with yours. Leverage their reach and credibility to promote your products organically.

D2C examples: 

Nykaa Beauty: Stunning flat lays and product close-ups with consistent colour palettes and high production value.

Bewakoof: Humorous memes and relatable content featuring popular influencers in their stories.

The Moms Co.: Informative tutorials and educational content showcasing product benefits and usage.

2. Facebook: Community & Conversation

  • Target audience: Broader demographic, appealing to individuals who value community engagement and longer-form content.

    • Content strategy: Longer-form stories: Share in-depth product explanations, customer testimonials, or brand-related news through Facebook Stories.

    • Product launches and announcements: Generate excitement by teasing upcoming releases and sharing official launch details.

    • Polls and Q&As: Encourage audience participation and gather valuable insights through interactive polls and live Q&A sessions.

    • Customer testimonials: Highlight positive customer experiences to build trust and social proof.

D2C examples:

Lenskart: Interactive polls asking for opinions on specific styles and trends.

Mamaearth: Live sessions featuring experts and customer testimonials promoting product efficacy.

Zivame: Exclusive product launches and community events to foster engagement and brand loyalty.

3. Twitter: Short & Sweet Engagement

  • Target audience: Tech-savvy individuals who appreciate quick updates, witty interactions, and industry insights.

    • Content strategy: Product updates: Keep your audience informed about new features, limited-edition launches, and restocks.

    • Witty brand voice: Engage in playful banter and respond to mentions with humour and personality.

    • Customer service: Offer prompt and helpful responses to customer inquiries and complaints.

    • Industry trends and insights: Share relevant news, data, and opinions related to your industry to establish thought leadership.

D2C examples:

Noise: Creative product teasers and witty launch announcements using puns and wordplay.

Pepperfry: Shareable furniture hacks and trending design ideas with engaging captions.

Bluestone: Responsive and humorous customer service replies that build brand affinity.

4. YouTube: In-Depth Exploration

  • Target audience: Individuals seeking detailed product demonstrations, tutorials, and brand storytelling.

    • Content strategy: Product reviews: Partner with creators or influencers to provide unbiased reviews and demonstrations of your products.

    • How-to tutorials: Offer educational content that showcases different product uses and application techniques.

    • Explainer animations: Simplify complex information and product features through engaging animation videos.

    • Behind-the-scenes tours: Give viewers a glimpse into your production process, company values, and team members.

D2C examples:

Myntra: Fashion styling tutorials featuring different looks and trends with product recommendations.

The Body Shop India: DIY beauty recipes using their products, promoting sustainability and natural ingredients.

MensXP: Comprehensive grooming guides and lifestyle tips targeted towards their male audience.

5. Pinterest: Inspiration & Discovery

  • Target audience: Primarily Gen Z and younger audiences who enjoy short, visually captivating content and trend-driven inspiration.

    • Content strategy: Quick product demos: Showcase product features and benefits in short, engaging videos.

    • Creative uses: Inspire viewers with unique and unexpected ways to use your products.

    • Trend challenges: Participate in relevant trends and challenges to reach new audiences and increase engagement.

    • User-generated content: Encourage and share UGC that features your products in creative and inspiring ways.

D2C examples:

Plum: Fun and interactive product challenges and tutorials that encourage user participation.

Sugar Cosmetics: Trending makeup looks and filterable content promoting their


  • Authenticity is key: Be genuine and transparent in your brand voice across all platforms.

  • Data-driven decisions: Track platform analytics to understand what resonates with your audience.

  • Consistency is crucial: Regularly post engaging content to stay top-of-mind.

  • Community building: Encourage interaction, respond to comments, and actively listen to your audience.